


(91)  Xiong, J.#; Cao, Y.#; Li, X.; Xiao H .; Ge J.* Antibacterial enzyme-Ag-polymer composites. ACS Nano 2022, 6, 19013-19024. View
(90)  Yang, J.; Lin, C.; Feng, Y.; Wang, C.; Ge, J.*; Lu, Y.* Chemical-triggered artificial cell based on metal-organic framework. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 450, 138480. View
(89)  Xie, X.; Wang, Y.; Siu, S.; Chan, C.; Zhu, Y.; Zhang, X.; Ge, J.; Ren, K.* Microfluidic synthesis as a new route to produce novel functional materials. Biomicrofluidics 2022, 16, 041301. View
(88)  Liu, Y.; Ge, J.* Into the unknown: Micro/nanomotors propelled by biocatalysis based on metal-organic frameworks. Chem Catalysis 2022, 2, 2458-2470. View
(87)  Bai, Y.; Luan, P.; Bai, Y.; Zare, R. N.*; Ge, J.* Enzyme-photo-coupled catalysis in gas-sprayed microdroplets. Chemical Science 2022, 13, 8341-8348. View
(86)  Zhang, Y.; Xu, L.; Ge, J.* Multienzyme system in amorphous metal-organic frameworks for intracellular lactate detection. Nano Letters 2022, 22(12), 5029-5036. View
(85)  Yin, H.#; Luan, P.#; Cao, Y.; Ge, J.*; Lou, W.* Coupling metal and whole-cell catalysis to synthesize chiral alcohols. Bioresources and Bioprocessing 2022, 9, 97. View
(84)  Cao, Y.; Qiao, Y.; Cui, S.; Ge J.* Origin of metal cluster tuning enzyme activity at the bio-nano interface. JACS Au 2022, 2(4), 961-971. View
(83)  Wei, H. #; Li, X. #; Deng, B. #; Lang, J.; Huang, Y.; Hua, X.; Qiao, Y.; Ge, B.; Ge, J.*; Wu, H.* Rapid synthesis of Pd single-atom/cluster as highly active catalysts for Suzuki coupling reactions. Chinese Journal of Catalysis 2022, 43(4), 1058-1065. View
(82)  Li, X.; Fu, C.; Luo, L.; Ge, J.* Design of enzyme-metal hybrid catalysts for organic synthesis. Cell Reports Physical Science 2022, 3, 100742. View
(81)  Li, X.#; Cao, Y.#; Luo, K.; Zhang, L.*; Bai, Y.; Xiong, J.; Zare, R. N.*; Ge, J.* Cooperative catalysis by a single-atom enzyme-metal complex. Nature Communications 2022, 13, 2189. View
(80)  Feng, Y.#; Cao, X.#; Zhang, L.*; Li, Y.; Cui, S.; Bai, Y.; Chen, K.; Ge, J.* Defect engineering of enzyme-embedded metal–organic frameworks for smart cargo release. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 439, 135736. View
(79)  Cui, S.; Ge, J.* Diffusion process in enzyme-metal hybrid catalysts. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2022, 16(6), 921-929. View
(78)  Xiong, J.; Cai, X.; Ge, J.* Enzyme-metal nanocomposites for antibacterial applications. Particuology 2022, 64, 134-139. View

(77)  Le, P.; Wu, Q.; Kong, D.; Ge, J.*; Kim, M.* Tailoring nanostructured supports to achieve high performance in enzymatic biofuel cells. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022, 5, 13113-13127. View
(76)  Chen, B.; Wu, X.*; Xiong, J.; Zong, M.; Chen, J.; Ge, J.; Low, W.* Biomimetic mineralization of prussian blue analogue-incorporated glucose oxidase hybrid catalyst for glucose detection. Catalysis Letters 2022, 152, 689-698. View


(75)  Liu, Y.; Cao, X.; Ge, J.* Antioxidative composites based on multienzyme systems encapsulated in metal-organic frameworks. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 46431-46439. View
(74)  Bai, Y.; Wang, L.; Ge, J.* Advances in photo‑enzymatic‑coupling catalysis system. Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing 2021, 1, 245-256. View
(73)  Xu, B. #; Cao, Y. #; Zheng, Z. #; Galan, E. A. #; Hu, Z.; Ge, J.; Xing, X.; Ma, S*. Injectable mesenchymal stem cell-laden matrigel microspheres for endometrium repair and regeneration. Advanced Biology 2021, 5, 2000202. View
(72)  Zhang, Y. #; Zhang, X. #; Cheng, H. #; Nina, M. R. H.; Ge, J.*; Bai, Y.* Reshaping the active pocket of promiscuous lactonases for degrading bulky organophosphate flame retardants. Chemical Communications 2021, 57, 6475-6478. 
(71)  Xu, K.; Zhao, Y.; Ahmad, N.; Wang, J.; Lv, B.*; Wang, Y.; Ge, J.; Li, C.* O-glycosyltransferases from Homo sapiens contributes to the biosynthesis of Glycyrrhetic Acid 3-O-mono-beta-D-glucuronide and Glycyrrhizin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 2021, 6, 173-179. View
(70)  Feng, Y.; Zhao, Y.*; Ge, J.* Impacr of the size effect on enzymatic electrochemical detection based on metal-organic frameworks. Analytica Chimica Acta 2021, 1149, 238191. View
(69)  Zhang, Y.#; Feng, T.#; Cao, Y.#; Zhang, X.#; Wang, T.; Nina, M. R. H.; Wang, L.; Yu, H.; Xu, J.; Ge, J.*; Bai, Y.* Confining enzyme clusters in bacteriophage P22 enhances cofactor recycling and stereoselectivity for chiral alcohol synthesis. ACS Catalysis 2021, 11, 10487-10493. View
(68)  Cao, Y.; Ge, J.* Hybrid enzyme catalysts synthesized by a de novo approach for expanding biocatalysis. Chinese Journal of Catalysis 2021, 42, 1625-1633. View
(67)  Cao, Y.; Li, X.; Ge, J.* Enzyme catalyst engineering toward the integration of biocatalysis and chemocatalysis. Trends in Biotechnology 2021, 39, 1173-1183. View
(66)  Cao, Y.; Ge, J.* Study of specific receptor binding mode suggests a possible enzymatic disinfectant for SARS-CoV-2. Langmuir 2021, 37, 1707-1713. View
(65)  Lin, C.#; Feng, Y.#; Ge, J.*; Lu, Y.* Impact of metal-organic frameworks on protein expression. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2021, 34, 1403-1408. View

(64)  Zhang, Y.; Ge, J.* Green nanoparticles for oligonucleotide delivery. Gene Therapy 2020, 27, 535-536. View
(63)  Li, X.; Cao, X.; Xiong, J.; Ge, J.* Enzyme-metal hybrid catalysts for chemoenzymatic reactions. Small 2020, 16, 1902751. View
(62)  Ji, Y.#; Wang, Y.#; Zeng, W.; Mei, X.; Du, S.; Yan, Y.; Hao, J.; Zhang, Z.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, C.; Ge, J.; Xing, X*. A heparin derivatives library constructed by chemical modification and enzymatic depolymerization for exploitation of non-anticoagulant functions. Carbohydrate Polymers 2020, 249, 116824. View
(61)  Hu, C.#; Bai, Y.#; Hou, M.; Wang, Y.; Wang, L.; Cao, X.; Chan, C.-W.; Sun, H.; Li, W.; Ge, J.*; Ren, K.* Defect-induced activity enhancement of enzyme-encapsulated metal-organic frameworks revealed in microfluidic gradient mixing synthesis. Science Advances 2020, 6, eaax5785. View

(60)  Luo, K.; Li, J.; Cao, Y.; Liu, C.; Ge, J.; Chen, H.; Zare, R. N.* Reaction of chloroauric acid with histidine in microdroplets yields a catalystic Au-(His)2 complex. Chemical Science 2020, 11, 2558-2565. View

(59)  Wu, X.#; Yue, H.#; Zhang, Y.#; Gao, X.; Li, X.; Wang, L.; Cao, Y.; Hou, M.; An, H.; Gu, H.; Zhang, L.*; Li, S.*; Lou, W.; Ma, J.; Lin, H.; Fu, Y.; Wei, W.*; Zare, R. N.; Ge, J.* Packaging and delivering enzymes by amorphous metal-organic frameworks. Nature Communications 2019, 10, 5165. View
(58)  Li, X. #; Cao, Y. #; Luo, K. #; Sun, Y.; Xiong, J.; Wang, L.; Liu, Z.; Li, J.; Ma, J.; Ge, J.*; Xiao, H.*; Zare, R. N.* Highly active enzyme-metal nanohybrids synthesized in protein-polymer conjugates. Nature Catalysis 2019, 2, 718-725. View
(57)  Cao, Y.#; Li, X.#; Xiong, J.; Wang, L.; Yan, L.*; Ge, J.* Investigating the origin of high efficiency in confined multienzyme catalysis. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 22108-22117. View
(56)  Wang, X. #; Ou, G. #; Zhou, K. #; Wang, X.; Wang, L.; Zhang, X.; Feng, Y.; Bai, Y.; Wu, H.*; Xu, Z.*; Ge, J.* Targeted heating of enzyme systems based on photothermal materials. ChemBioChem 2019, 20, 2467-2473. View
(55)  Wang, L.; Hou, H.; Jiao, X.; Shen, T.; Liu, Y.; Qiao, Y.; Liu, Y.; Lu, Y.*; Ge, J.* Bifunctional therapy by zinc-cobalt bimetal-organic framework with encapsulated doxorubicin to overcome drug-resistance. ChemNanoMat 2019, 5, 1531-1539. View

(54)  Cheng, H.; Zhao, Y.; Luo, X.; Xu, D.; Cao, X.; Xu, J.; Dai, Q.; Zhang, X.*; Ge, J.*; Bai, Y.* Cross-linked enzyme-polymer conjugates with excellent stability and detergent-enhanced activity for efficient organophosphate degradation. Bioresources and Bioprocessing 2018, 5, 49. View
(53)  Yong, Y.; Su, R.; Liu, X.; Xu, W.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, R.; Ouyang, P.; Wu, J.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Lectin corona enhances enzymatic catalysis on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2018, 129, 26-32. View

(52)  Hou, M.; Zhao, H.; Feng, Y.; Ge, J.* Synthesis of patterned enzyme–metal–organic framework composites by ink-jet printing. Bioresources and Bioprocessing 2017, 4, 40. View
(51)  Wu, X.; Yang, C.; Ge, J.* Green synthesis of enzyme/metal-organic framework composites with high stability in protein denaturing solvents. Bioresources and Bioprocessing 2017, 4, 24. View
(50)  Zhang, C.; Wang, X.; Hou, M.; Li, X.; Wu, X.; Ge, J.* Immobilization on metal-organic framework engenders high sensitivity for enzymatic electrochemical detection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 13831-13836. View
(49)  Wu, X.#; Ou, G.#; Yang, C.; Ge, J.*, Wu, H.* Enhanced enzymatic reactions by solar-to-thermal conversion nanoparticles. Chemical Communications 2017, 53, 5048-5051. View
(48)  Hou, M.; Ge, J.* Armoring enzymes by metal-organic frameworks by the coprecipitation method. Methods in Enzymology 2017, 590, 59-75. (Book Chapter)  View
(47)  Liu, Z.; Ge, J.; Lu, D.; Jiang, G.; Wu, JZ. Recent advances in nanostructured enzyme catalysis for chemical synthesis in organic solvents. Biocatalysis and Nanotechnology 2017, 3, 401-416. View

(46)  Li, Z.; Ding, Y.; Li, S.; Jiang, Y.*; Liu, Z.; Ge, J.* Highly active, stable and self-antimicrobial enzyme catalysts prepared by biomimetic mineralization of copper hydroxysulfate. Nanoscale 2016, 8, 17440-17445. View
(45)  Zhang, Y.; Yong, Y.; Ge, J.; Liu, Z.* Lectin agglutinated multienzyme catalyst with enhanced substrate affinity and activity. ACS Catalysis 2016, 6, 3789-3795. View
(44)  Yuki, O.; Zhang, Y.; Ge, J.; Liu, Z.* Epoxidation of fatty acids by Pluronic-conjugated lipase in organic media. Catalysis Letters 2016, 146, 1073-1078. View
(43)  Li, Z. #; Ding, Y. #; Wu, X.; Ge, J.*, Ouyang, P.; Liu, Z. An enzyme-copper nanoparticle hybrid catalyst prepared from disassembly of an enzyme-inorganic nanocrystal three-dimensional nanostructure. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 20772-20776. View

(42)  Ge, J.* Biocatalyst and nanocatalyst intergrated systems for chemical produnction, Chinese Science Bulletin 2016, 61, 3924-3929. View

(41)  Chulkaivalsucharit, P.; Wu, X.; Ge, J.* Synthesis of enzyme-embedded metal–organic framework nanocrystals in reverse micelles. RSC Advances 2015, 5, 101293-101296. View
(40)  Wang, J.; Ying, H.; Ma, J.; Cao, X.; Chen, K.*; Ge, J.; Ouyang P. Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of MPEG methyl acrylates in solvent-free system. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2015, 122, 305-313. View
(39)  Wu, X.; Yang, C.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z. Polydopamine tethered enzyme/metal-organic framework composites with high stability and reusability. Nanoscale 2015, 7, 18883-18886. (Featured on the Cover) View
(38)  Wu, X.; Hou, M.; Ge, J.* Metal-organic frameworks and inorganic nanoflowers: a type of emerging inorganic crystal nanocarriers for enzyme immobilization. Catalysis Science & Technology 2015, 5, 5077-5085. (Invited Review) View
(37)  Zhang, Y.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Enhanced activity of immobilized or chemically modified enzymes. ACS Catalysis 2015, 5, 4503-4513. (Invited Review) View
(36)  Wu, X.; Ge, J.*; Yang C.; Hou, M.; Liu, Z. Facile synthesis of multiple enzyme-containing metal-organic frameworks in a biomolecule-friendly environment. Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 13408-13411. View
(35)  Wang, R.; Hou, M.; Zhang, Y.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Enzymatic synthesis of lutein dipalmitate in organic solvents. Catalysis Letters 2015, 145, 995-999. View
(34)  Hou, M.; Wang, R.; Wu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z. Synthesis of lutein esters by using a reusable lipase-pluronic conjugate as the catalyst. Catalysis Letters 2015, 145, 1825-1829. View
(33)  Wu, X.; Ge, J.*; Zhu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Yong, Y.; Liu, Z.* A general method for synthesizing enzyme-polymer conjugates in reverse emulsions using Pluronic as a reactive surfactant. Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 9674-9677. View
(32)  Wu, X.; Ge, J.* Enzymatic catalysis in melted polymer as green and reusable solvent. Catalysis Letters 2015, 145, 1510-1513. View
(31)  Ren, L.; Wang, Y.; Ge, J.; Lu, D.*; Liu, Z.* Enzymatic synthesis of high-molecular-weight poly(butylene succinate) and its copolymers. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 216, 636-640. View

(30)  Lyu, F.; Zhang, Y.; Zare, R. N.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* One-pot synthesis of protein-embedded metal-organic frameworks with enhanced biological activities. Nano Letters 2014, 14, 5761-5765. View
(29)  Li, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Su, Y.; Ouyang, P.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Spatial co-localization of multi-enzymes by inorganic nanocrystal-protein complexes. Chemical Communications 2014, 50, 12465-12468. View
(28)  Zhang, Y.; Lyu, F.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Ink-jet printing an optimal multi-enzyme system. Chemical Communications 2014, 50, 12919-12922. View
(27)  Wang, R.; Zhang, Y.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Activation of enzyme nanogel in organic solvents by PEG–substrate joint imprinting. RSC Advances 2014, 4, 40301-40304. View
(26)  Wu, X.; Wang, R.; Zhang, Y.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Enantioselective ammonolysis of phenylglycine methyl ester with lipase–Pluronic nanoconjugate in tertiary butanol. Catalysis Letters 2014, 144, 1407-1410. View

(25)  Zhang, Y.; Dai, Y.; Hou, M.; Li, T.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of valrubicin using Pluronic conjugated lipase with temperature responsiveness in organic media. RSC Advances 2013, 3, 22963-22966. View
(24)  Zhang, Y.; Chen, Q.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Controlled display of enzyme activity with a stretchable hydrogel. Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 9815-9817. View
(23)  Li, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, M.; Ouyang, P.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Lipase-catalyzed one-step and regioselective synthesis of clindamycin palmitate. Organic Process Research & Development 2013, 17, 1179-1182. View
(22)  Zhu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Lu, D.; Zare, R. N.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Temperature-responsive enzyme-polymer nanoconjugates with enhanced catalytic activities in organic media. Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 6090-6092. View
(21)  Wang, R.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, J.; Lu, D.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Substrate imprinted lipase nanogel for one-step synthesis of chloramphenicol palmitate. Green Chemistry 2013, 15, 1155-1158. View
(20)  Zhu, L.#; Gong, L.#; Zhang, Y.; Wang, R.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.*; Zare, R. N.* Rapid detection of phenol using a membrane containing laccase nanoflowers. Chemistry-An Asian Journal 2013, 8, 2358-2360. (Invited by the Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Chunli Bai, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in celebration of his 60th birthday.) View
(19)  Wang, R.; Zhang, Y.; Lu, D.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.*; Zare, R. N.* Functional protein-organic/inorganic hybrid nanomaterials. WIERs: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 2013, 5, 320-328. (Invited Review) View

(18)  Ge, J.#; Neofytou, E.#; Lei, J.; Beygui, R. E.; Zare, R. N.* Protein-polymer hybrid nanoparticles for drug delivery. Small 2012, 8, 3573-3578. View
(17)  Ge, J.#; Lei, J.#; Zare, R. N.* Protein-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers. Nature Nanotechnology 2012, 7, 428-432. (Featured on the Cover, Highlighted by Science, Nature Nanotechnology, and the Scientist) View
(16)  Ge, J.; Yang, C.; Zhu, J.; Lu D.; Liu, Z.* Nanobiocatalysis in organic media: opportunities for enzymes in nanostructures. Topics in Catalysis 2012, 55, 1070-1080. (Invited Review) View
(15)  Ge, J.#; Neofytou, E.#; Cahill, III, T. J.; Beygui, R. E.; Zare, R. N.* Drug release from electric-field-responsive nanoparticles. ACS Nano 2012, 6, 227-233. (Highlighted by Chemical&Engineering News, ACS Nano, Nanomedicine) View

(14)  Ge, J.; Lei, J. D.; Zare, R. N.* Bovine serum albumin-poly(methyl methacrylate) nanoparticles: an example of frustrated phase separation. Nano Letters 2011, 11, 2551-2554. (Highlighted by Science) View
(13)  Ge, J.; Lu, D.; Yang, C.; Liu, Z.* A lipase-responsive vehicle using amphipathic polymer synthesized with the lipase as catalyst. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2011, 32, 546-550. View
(12)  Ge, J.; Schirhagl, R.; Zare, R. N.* Glucose-driven fuel cell constructed from enzymes and filter paper. Journal of Chemical Education 2011, 88, 1283-1286. (Featured on the Cover) View
(11)  Ge, J.; Yan, M.; Lu, D.; Liu, Z. X.; Liu, Z.* Preparation and characterization of single-enzyme nanogels. Methods in Molecular Biology 2011, 743, 119-130. (Book Chapter) View
(10)  Ge, J.; Lu, D.; Yan, M.; Liu, Z.* Nanostructured Biocatalysts. Comprehensive Biotechnology (Second Edition) 2011, 2, 925-932. (Book Chapter) View
(9)  Zhu, B.; Lu, D.; Ge, J.; Liu, Z.* Uniform polymer-protein conjugate by aqueous AGET ATRP using protein as a macroinitiator. Acta Biomaterialia 2011, 7, 2131-2138. View

(8)  Ge, J.; Jacobson, G. B.; Lobovkina, T.; Holmberg, K.; Zare, R. N.* Sustained release of nucleic acids from polymeric nanoparticles using microemulsion precipitation in supercritical carbon dioxide. Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 9034-9036. View
(7)  Guo, P.; Martin, C. R.; Zhao, Y.; Ge, J.; Zare, R. N.* General method for producing organic nanoparticles using nanoporous membranes. Nano Letters 2010, 10, 2202-2206. View












(100) Cui, S.#; Ge, J.#* High thermal stability of enzyme-MOF composites at 180 oC. Chemistry 2023, 5, 2025-2037. View

(99) Yuan, X.#; Wu, X.#*; Xiong, J.; Yan, B.; Gao, R.; Liu, S.; Zong, M.; Ge, J.*; Low, W.* Hydrolase mimic via second coordination sphere engineering in metal-organic framworks for environmental remediation. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 5974. View

(98) Yin, H.; Cui, S.; Cao, Y.; Ge, J.*; Low, W.* Light controlled nanobiohubrids for modulation chiral alcohol synthesis. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2023, View

(97) Cao, Y.#; Chen, Z.#; Li, P.; Ozden, A.; Ou, P.; Ni, W.; Abed, J.; Shirzadi, E.; Zhang, Z.; Sinton, D.; Ge, J.*; Sargent, E.* Surface hydroxide promotes CO2 electrolysis to ethylene in acidic conditons. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 2387. View

(96) Lu, T.; Fu, C.; Xiong, Y.; Zeng, Z.; Fan, Y.; Dai, X.; Huang, X.; Ge, J.*; Li, X.* Biodegradation of aflatoxin B1 in peanut oil by an amphipathic laccase-inorganic hybrid nanoflower. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2023, 71, 3876-3884. View

(95) Fu, C.; Lu, T.; Dai, X.; Ding, P.; Xiong, Y.; Ge, J.; Li, X.* Co-immobilization of enzymes and metals on the covalent-organic framework for the efficient removal of mycotoxins. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15, 6859-6867. View

(94)  Li, X.; Cao, Y.; Xiong, J.; Li, J.; Xiao, H.*; Li, X.; Gou, Q.; Ge, J.* Enzyme-metal-single-atom hybrid catalysts for one-pot chemoenzymatic reactions. Chinese Journal of Catalysis 2023, 139-145. View

(93)  Li, X.; Hu, X.; Qiao, Y.; Lu, T.; Bai, Y.; Xiong, J.; Li, X.; Gou, Q.; Ge J.* Enzyme-bimetallic hybrid catalyst for one-pot chemoenzymatic reactions. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 452, 139356. View

(92)  Li, X.; Fan, Y.; Liao, Q.; Lu, T.; Ge, J.* Efficient enzyme-metal hybrid catalysts constructed with polymer. ChemCatChem 2023, 15, e202201319. View





(101)  Liu, Y.; Cui, S.; Ma, W.; Wu, Y.; Xin, R.; Bai, Y.; Chen, Z.; Xu, J.; Ge, J.* Direct imaging of protein clusters in metal-organic frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024, 146, 12565-12576. View

(6)  Ge, J.; Lu, D.; Wang, J.; Liu, Z.* Lipase nanogel catalyzed transesterification in anhydrous dimethyl sulfoxide. Biomacromolecules 2009, 10, 1612-1618. View
(5)  Ge, J.; Lu, D.; Liu, Z. X.; Liu, Z.* Recent advances in nanostructured biocatalysts. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2009, 44, 53-59. (Invited Review) View

(4)  Ge, J.; Lu, D.; Wang, J.; Yan, M.; Lu, Y.*; Liu, Z.* Molecular fundamentals of enzyme nanogels. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2008, 112, 14319-14324. View

(3)  Ge, J.; Yan, M.; Lu, D.; Zhang, M.; Liu, Z.* Hyperbranched polymer conjugated lipase with enhanced activity and stability. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2007, 36, 93-99. View

(2)  Yan, M.; Ge, J.; Liu, Z.*; Ouyang, P. Encapsulation of single enzyme in nanogel with enhanced biocatalytic activity and stability. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128, 11008-11009. View
(1)  Yan, M.; Ge, J.; Dong, W.; Liu, Z.*; Ouyang P. Preparation and characterization of a temperature-sensitive sulfobetaine polymer-trypsin conjugate. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2006, 30, 48-54. View